
    STIMLOG as the First Logistics College in Indonesia in collaboration with SCM Globe held the first competition in the field of Logistics and Supply Chain (LSC) at the international level in Indonesia. LSC Competition as a forum for students to grow and provide added value for the development of LSC in Indonesia. The two main events of the LSC Competition are Ceremony and Competition. In the nare competition, a conference will be held where the plan is that this activity can be a forum for LSC practitioners, the government, and the LSC community or association to interact, share, and develop practical knowledge to generate new ideas and solutions for the LSC world. LSC Competition participants will use the SCM Globe software as a simulation tool for analysis supply chain system. And proudly, we present the Second International Logistics & Supply Chain Competition in Indonesia.

the result of the merger of stimlog and poltekpos, with the merging of the 2 agencies, the process becomes a logistics and business university.
