About Logistics and Supply Chain Case Competition (LSCC)

     International University of Logistics and Business (ULBI) as the First Logistics College in Indonesia in collaboration with SCM Globe held the first competition in the field of Logistics and Supply Chain (LSC) at the international level in Indonesia.

     LSC Competition as a forum for students to grow and provide added value for the development of LSC in Indonesia. The two main events of the LSC Competition are Ceremony and Competition. In the competition, a conference will be held where the plan is that this activity can be a forum for LSC practitioners, the government, and the LSC community or association to interact, share, and develop practical knowledge to generate new ideas and solutions for the LSC world. LSC Competition participants will use the SCM Globe software as a simulation tool for analysis supply chain system.

      SCM Globe collaborated with Dr. Rachmawati Wangsaputra and her colleges at Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Logistik – STIMLOG (Indonesian College of Logistics Management) to organize the first International Logistics and Supply Chain Competition in Indonesia. During the months of May and June 2021 more than 150 students signed up and participated in teams from 42 colleges and universities in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore. Participating students were enrolled in logistics, engineering, and business programs.

      Students and instructors at STIMLOG produced the competition and broadcast it live over three days. Instructors created a supply chain case study and simulations set in Indonesia. This case study had three challenges that became progressively more advanced. STIMLOG students were the on-air hosts and announcers for the contest events. 

And proudly, we present the Second International Logistics & Supply Chain Competition in Indonesia.


            "Global Supply Chain" The areas developed include :

             1. Multi Moda              2. SDGs              3. Green Logistics              4. Global Logistics             5. Green/Clean Supply Chain


       Senior High School Participant's

           Launching                                    : May 25, 2022

           Open Registration                       : May 25 - Oct 18, 2022

           Opening Competition               : Oct 14, 2022

           Poster Submission                     : Oct 23, 2022

           Announcement Final Poster    : Oct 26, 2022

           Final Round & Closing              : Oct 27, 2022


         Prize for Senior High School Winner

            1st        : IDR 600.000 / USD 41

            2nd       : IDR 400.000 / USD 27

            3rd        : IDR 200.000 / USD 13

            Favorite Winner : IDR 200.000 / USD 13


        University Participant's

            Launching LSC Competition 2022                                                     : May 25, 2022

            Promotion and Open Registration                                                   : May 25 - Oct 18, 2022

            Opening Ceremony                                                                            : Oct 14, 2022

            Training and Distribution Case Preliminary Round                        : Oct 21, 2022

            Paper Submission Preliminary                                                         : Oct 23, 2022

            Announcement Preliminary Round &

            Distribution Case Semifinal Round                                                  : Oct 25, 2022

            Semifinal Round (8 team) and Distribution Case Final Round      : Oct 26, 2022

            Final Round (3 team) and Closing Ceremony                                  : Oct 27, 2022


         Prize for University Winner

             1st        : IDR 7.500.000 / USD 500

             2nd       : IDR 6.000.000 / USD 400

             3rd        : IDR 4.500.000 / USD 300


For more information, guide book, and registration form, please scan the QR Code :

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Contact Person

+62 89626003435 (Awaliah Putri)
